Gaia will bring the delivery to the address provided. Most times someone is there to accept it. On occasions when someone is not available to come to the door, the driver will attempt to reach the recipient with the phone number provided on the order. If that is unsuccessful the driver will leave a message with instructions and information. If weather permits and there is a safe place to leave the delivery at the address, the driver will do so. If not the driver will return the delivery to the flower shop for another attempt the following day.
Normally between 12 pm and 4 pm. Monday through Friday.
Saturday deliveries are 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
We do sell bridal bouquets! Your bridal flowers are such an important part of your wedding day, so it’s important to pick a type of bouquet that will complement your overall look and your personality. We have some available on our website or if you want something custom, please send us a picture of the bouquet of your dreams and we’ll do our very best to match “The Feel” and colors of your ideal bouquet. You can also see some samples of our past bouquets on our Facebook and Instagram pages. Feel free to give us a call to go over all your options.
For most Las Vegas orders delivery fee is $12.50. For orders to the very north, west, or east parts of Las Vegas, delivery fee is $15. Orders to some parts of Henderson the delivery fee is $20. Our product pages have a delivery fee and availability calculator.
Yes, our minimum amount for delivery for floral arrangements or plants is $45. If you wish to order something below our delivery minimum, you can place the order online and pick it up in-store.
If an order is filled and delivered to the recipient and there is a question of the quality of the arrangement, please contact us. In almost every case, we will gladly replace the arrangement. Please visit our Terms and Conditions page for full details.
Yes we do! We have a couple different options that will fit your needs. You can find full flower subscription details here.
For regular days, the morning of delivery is sufficient. For holidays, several days or even a week before is the safest to ensure selection and delivery availability.
Yes. We recommend you call the hospital before ordering to inquire about their policies. Please provide all details when ordering upon checkout.
Yes, simply choose 'Basic Card' or 'Deluxe Card' on the product page and you can write your message in the 'Card Message' text field.
We can deliver flowers and plants throughout the Las Vegas metro area including; Summerlin, Henderson, Green Valley, Spring Valley, Centennial, North Las Vegas, Paradise, Sunrise Manor, and Winchester.
If you don't see the city listed here, check our delivery zone calculator during the ordering process or contact us.