Whether you received a bouquet as a gift or treated yourself to one, you’ll want to keep your fresh cut flowers alive and looking fabulous for as long as possible. As professional florists with decades of experience working with fresh blooms, we know a thing or two about keeping flowers vase fresh. Quick and simple cut flower tips 1. Use flower food Most florists include a single sachet of flower food. It may not look like much, but the combination of sugar, citric acid, and bleach ... continue reading...
6 ideas for an eco-friendly Christmas tree that looks great too
Plus, how to recycle your cut tree in Nevada Not keen on adding more plastic to the planet this Christmas? Well, hopefully we can help. This festive season we’re looking at eco-friendly alternatives to buying a new plastic tree (or chopping down a real one). If you’ve been following Gaia Flowers for a while, you’ll know we care as much about looking after our precious planet as you do. So in this article we’ll look at the environmental impact of real and artificial trees, and share some ... continue reading...
13 Las Vegas native plants (and their rare flowers)
How to identify our hardy native plants Hot, dry, sandy, and thriving. Like the people who live here, Las Vegas native plants can be pretty tough when they need to be. Nevada, The Great Basin, and the Mojave Desert are dry. It’s a tough environment for plants to grow and thrive. Unless they’re native to the area. We’re blessed with some incredible national and state parks. When you’re out and about enjoying them—hiking, running, or simply enjoying a stroll—you’ll see lots of ... continue reading...
Everything you need to know about caring for succulents indoors
A step-by-step guide for first time plant parents So you’ve got a new plant baby. But you’re afraid it may not survive your loving ‘care’ because you’re new to succulents? Don’t worry. We answer all your questions in this step-by-step guide to caring for succulents. So keep reading to find out how to keep your leafy addition not just alive but thriving. The secret? It’s simple. Understand their native habitat: warm and dry. Succulents usually come from regions with low humidity and ... continue reading...
12 pet-friendly plants that grow well indoors
Houseplant inspiration for owners of curious, plant-nibbling cats and dogs Indoor plants add life, vibrancy, and color to a home, and improve mental and physical health. And while there are lots of fantastic indoor plants to choose from, not all of them are pet friendly. Some houseplants are toxic to cats and dogs. They can cause illness (or worse) if they decide to chow down on them. Keeping your cat, dog, or other furry critter safe is easy. All you need is some time to do a bit of ... continue reading...
Flowers and fantastic coffee
Where to go for a great cup of Joe while in the Las Vegas Arts District There’s a lot to love about the Las Vegas Arts District – street art, galleries, eclectic entertainment venues and plenty more. But for us, the big reason we love having our shop in this creative pocket is the number of small, independent businesses like us. Businesses who are doing what they love just for… well, for the love of it. Since our early days, we’ve tried to support local businesses as much as possible. For ... continue reading...
Seven tips for making your wedding flowers more eco-friendly
The US wedding flower industry is big business—around $7 billion according to one report—which means wedding florals are always in high demand. Unfortunately, the sheer economic scale of the industry means not all wedding flowers can be grown, sourced, and picked sustainably. However, there are still plenty of eco-friendly options for the environmentally conscious. As a business that embraces sustainable floristry methods whenever possible, we’re always on the lookout for greener ... continue reading...
Houseplant propagation: The beginner’s guide to propagating plants
Grow your houseplant collection without spending more money. We’ll show you three simple techniques for propagating the plants you already have. Propagating plants can feel like an intimidating prospect. There’s the fear of damaging or killing your otherwise healthy plant. And not getting any new baby plants from the time and effort you spend propagating can feel like a downer too. But plant propagation doesn’t have to be difficult, as you’ll soon find out. What is plant ... continue reading...
What to do with funeral flowers after the funeral
Five and a half meaningful ideas on how to reuse, regift and immortalize funeral flowers There’s nearly always a place for flowers in life’s celebratory moments – births, weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, graduations, starting a new job or leaving an old one. And of course they make an appearance at that final end-of-life celebration: the funeral. Of all of the bouquets and floral arrangements you’re likely to gift or receive, organizing funeral flowers will be the hardest. The flowers ... continue reading...
The wondrous benefits of houseplants
How keeping houseplants can benefit your physical and mental health Buying plants for your home sounds like a great idea. They’re a brilliant way to add life, color, and vibrancy to a room. But there’s always that nagging chore of having to look after them. And if you don’t, rather than being a perky addition to your home they can make it look dreary and depressing. So do the benefits of houseplants outweigh their pain-in-the-ass factor? What are the benefits of keeping ... continue reading...
Delving into the theory and meaning of Gaia
What’s in a business name? Well, here at Gaia Flowers we hope our business name tells you something about our ethics. Never heard the word ‘Gaia’ before? Consider this article our big reveal. It answers the question “What does ‘Gaia’ mean?” by explaining the name’s origins and its modern-day scientific meaning. Once you understand what it is, how we work here at Gaia Flowers and the approach we take to selling sustainable bouquets, arrangements and plants, it will all fall into ... continue reading...
What to write in a ‘thinking of you’ card
Inspiration and tips to help you write a great ‘thinking of you’ message Want to send someone you love a card because they’re going through a busy, exciting, or difficult time but struggling to write your ‘thinking of you’ card? Don’t panic: we’ve got you covered. As a florist, we have the pleasure of delivering ‘thinking of you’ bouquets’ and are often asked to write up the warm-wishes and notes of love for the accompanying cards. And we’ve seen a lot of notes in our 30 years of business, ... continue reading...